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Backup and Restore Services

Think about a situation where computer Hard disk crashes and can’t be recovered or power goes out and you need to send submit a tender at that moment or your laptop get lost. At the last whatever should happen you should not lose business out of that. You can of course purchase any device or hardware but you cant purchase your important files or accounts data. You may manage to get that data again from last backup CD, email sent to your clients/colleques, writing accounts books again, but cost of those recovery may be hundred times more than a simple backup solution.

Now a day’s Dell, HP, IBM all gives somehow some solution to these problems but it may be capable to backup only one system. But your business may require cost-effective, scalable solution that's fit to your needs.

Our solutions cover the full range of backup/restore architectures that your business needs. Which again can be tailored to your business?

How can our backup solution help you

  • We can reduce risk to your business by proper backup, eliminating worry about lost, damaged or corrupted data for your critical business processes.
  • Making it sure that your critical information should be available whenever or wherever it is required
  • No need to purchase any capital goods.
  • Providing world-class best practices and standard management tools and data centers to bring redundancy over different geographic region.
  • Reduce your hardware needs by shrinking storage needs and consolidating storage across multiple locations.